Ayumi Moore Aoki, Founder and CEO of Women in Tech® Global, played a pivotal role in the forum. She moderated Session 4: “Strengthening Regional Cooperation in Ensuring Women’s Access to Quality Education, Science, Digital Technologies and Expanding their Participation in Innovation Activities.” This session was a highlight of the forum, focusing on vital areas for women’s advancement in a rapidly evolving world.

The session featured distinguished speakers:

Hilola Umarova, Minister of Preschool and School Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Rekha Sharma, Chairperson of the National Commission for Women, India
Susan Chemerai Anding, Member of the Senate of the Parliament of Malaysia, Member of the Special Select Committee on Governance, Integrity and Anti-Corruption
Somia Djacta, Representative of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to UNESCO
Dr. Amina al-Hajri, Director General of the Department of Cultural, Social and Family Affairs, Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Gulmira Okoeva, Head of Department of the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Migration, Kyrgyz Republic
Khadija Karimi Alavije, Director General for International Affairs, Office of the Vice President for Women and Family Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran