Ayumi Moore Aoki, Founder and CEO of Women in Tech Global met with Doreen Bogdan-Martin, the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). This encounter took place in Geneva, where discussions on future collaborations were initiated, focusing on bridging the gender digital divide and fostering digital inclusivity through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

Uniting Forces for Gender Equality and Technological Empowerment
Both leaders are stalwarts in their respective fields, with a shared vision that revolves around gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls through technology. Women in Tech Global is an influential organization that advocates for the inclusion of women in the technology sector worldwide, while ITU is the United Nations specialized agency for ICT and a pivotal force in managing global standards and policies for technological advancement.

Discussion Highlights and Potential Synergies
The meeting centered on exploring synergies between Women in Tech Global and ITU, particularly in areas such as digital education, financial inclusion through digital means, and policies to promote a balanced and inclusive digital future. Ayumi and Doreen discussed strategies to enhance access to ICT for women and girls, which is crucial for empowering them not only as consumers of technology but also as leaders and innovators within the sector.

Shared Goals and Future Endeavors
The goals of Women in Tech Global and ITU align closely, particularly in their commitment to addressing the digital divide—a long-standing barrier that affects women significantly. Both leaders agree that improving digital literacy and ensuring equitable access to ICT resources are foundational steps toward achieving their shared objectives of gender equality.

Ayumi Moore Aoki emphasized the importance of collaboration in these efforts: “Meeting with Doreen was not only a highlight of my trip but also a crucial step towards actualizing the goals we’ve set at Women in Tech Global. ITU’s global reach and authoritative insight into ICT standards make them an ideal partner as we strive to enhance digital inclusivity for women across the globe.”