In a significant step towards promoting gender equality in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence (AI), Ayumi Moore Aoki, Founder and CEO of Women in Tech® Global, participated in the “AI for ALL: Building Generative Nations Together” summit in Astana, Kazakhstan. The event, organized by UNESCAP and the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan, brought together global leaders and experts to discuss the inclusive development of AI technologies.

Ministerial Panel: Innovating Together for Technological Solutions

Ms. Moore Aoki contributed her expertise to the “Tech Solution Day: Innovating Together” panel, where she emphasized the critical need for collaborative approaches in developing AI solutions. The panel, moderated by Andrew Beklemishev, Head of Public Council at the Ministry of Digital Development and Vice President at International Data Corporation, featured distinguished speakers including:

  • Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Executive Secretary of UNESCAP
  • Zhaslan Madiyev, Minister of Digital Development, Innovations, and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Nicolas Sadirac, Co-founder of 01 Edu and 01 Talent
  • Steve Nouri, Ideological Leader of the Forbes Technology Council and Founder of AI4Diversity

“Innovation in AI must be a collective effort that includes diverse perspectives, particularly those of women and underrepresented groups,” Ms. Moore Aoki stated. She highlighted successful models of cooperation between governments, civil society organizations, and the private sector in bridging the gender gap in technology.

Keynote Address: Addressing Gender Bias in AI

In her keynote speech titled “Empowering Voices: The Gender Bias in AI,” Ms. Moore Aoki shed light on the pervasive issue of gender bias in AI systems. She presented compelling evidence demonstrating how AI algorithms can perpetuate and amplify existing gender stereotypes when developed without diverse input. “We must ensure that the AI systems shaping our future are designed with gender equality in mind from the outset,” Ms. Moore Aoki asserted.

The keynote address also outlined strategies for mitigating gender bias in AI, including:

  1. Increasing women’s participation in AI development at all levels
  2. Implementing rigorous testing for gender bias in AI systems
  3. Promoting gender-inclusive data collection and analysis practices
  4. Encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration in AI research and development

Panel on Women’s Leadership in IT

Ms. Moore Aoki also participated in the “Empowering Women in IT: Digital Inclusion and Leadership” panel, where she discussed the challenges and opportunities for women in leadership positions within the IT sector. She shared insights from Women in Tech® Global’s initiatives aimed at fostering female leadership in technology fields.

“Digital inclusion is not just about access to technology, but about having a seat at the table where decisions are made,” Ms. Moore Aoki remarked. She emphasized the importance of mentorship programs, leadership training, and supportive workplace policies in advancing women’s careers in IT.

Call to Action

Throughout her engagements at the summit, Ms. Moore Aoki consistently called for concerted action from governments, international organizations, and the private sector to address gender inequalities in AI and technology. She stressed that achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 5 on gender equality, is intrinsically linked to ensuring women’s full participation in the digital economy.

The “AI for ALL” summit concluded with a renewed commitment from participants to work towards a more inclusive and equitable AI-driven future. Ms. Moore Aoki’s contributions, alongside those of her esteemed co-panelists, underscored the vital role of gender equality in shaping ethical, unbiased, and truly beneficial AI technologies for all of humanity.